



Are your eyes itchy, red and watery? Does your throat feel scratchy? Are you wondering if you’ll ever stop sneezing? The symptoms of allergies can be unbearable and often leave you wondering how to quell them. Finding relief and ways to avoid the triggers can be tricky. Discover ten home remedies to help you get started with allergy prevention – the all-natural way.



1. Keep bedding clean. Make it a top priority to wash your sheets weekly. Your blanket, duvet and mattress cover should be washed once every month in hot water. Apply a drop of eucalyptus oil in your wash to get rid of dust mites.

2. Clean your mattress and protect it with a mattress cover. Use a combination of baking soda and essential oils. Experts recommend eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender or wintergreen oils to get rid of dust mites. Simply use a half cup of baking soda and mix in a dozen drops of the oil of your choice. This becomes a natural cleaner packed with a punch. Sprinkle the mixture on the mattress and let sit for at least an hour before you vacuum it. The longer the mixture sits, the better the results.M87841-M82X41-SET3. There’s nothing to sneeze at with memory foam. Since these mattresses are made of polyurethane foam, the interior of your mattress will always be free of allergy-causing dust mites. Go to Ashley-Sleep Mattresses at for a great selection of memory foam mattresses. By eliminating one of the major allergens, these mattresses not only will help you get uninterrupted sleep, but for those with asthma, they help eliminate one of the main triggers.

4. Machine wash your pillow twice a year. If your pillow has not been washed, chances are it’s loaded with allergens. Wash it a second time to make sure it’s completely free of allergens. If it’s lost firmness, find a new one that has ventilated memory foam infused with green tea and active charcoal for eliminating odors and neutralizing scents. See bed pillows at to find a new pillow. Adding a pillow protector ensures freshness and keeps allergens at bay.


5. Dust and clean your home the all-natural way using non-toxic cleaning products like vinegar, water and baking soda. Consider eliminating allergy-causing pollen and mites from the air by investing in an air purification system that has UV light and a negative ion filter. Plus, replace the air filter in your furnace each month. You can also set up a salt lamp in your office and home to help neutralize allergy triggers like airborne mold, bacteria and allergens with the negative ions they give off.

ThinkstockPhotos-4797155756. Clean up the floors and remove the clutter. Because carpeting collects layers of dust and allergens, consider replacing it with non-toxic wool rugs or hardwood floors. Remove excess clutter from rooms. Papers, magazines, and knickknacks have a way of collecting a lot of dust. Make sure these are put away or dusted regularly for a clean indoor environment.

ThinkstockPhotos-1609374007. Wash clothes after being outside. Pollen gets caught in the fibers of your clothing. By making sure clothes are put in the wash right away, this will help prevent the pollen from getting established in your furniture or bedding. Take a shower before bed to prevent another avenue of transfer.   

8. Avoid pollen when possible. Pollen levels are highest in the morning, so make afternoon and evening plans and you might not sneeze as much. Geographically speaking, a lot of pollen is found in the countryside. Researchers suggest that pollen levels are lower near bodies of water, so choose to spend the day at the beach, lake or river.

 ThinkstockPhotos-504860090 (1)9. Try acupressure to open nasal passages for immediate relief. Locate your acupoint, where your cheek and nose meet, and apply moderate pressure for three minutes with both index fingers while taking deep, slow breaths.

10. Drink green tea, which has antihistamines, ginger tea or perhaps try a teaspoon of unfiltered honey. If taken daily, these can help provide allergy relief.

ThinkstockPhotos-483054996With these all-natural remedies, you’ll be on your way to eliminating triggers, enjoying relief and getting your energy back. What has worked for you? Please share additional tips below to help allergy sufferers.


Source Ashley Furniture HomeStore

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